Enrollment Process
We begin accepting applications for enrollment at the International School in the September prior to the year of your child’s anticipated enrollment. In general, children start at ISC in late-August. The ISC operates first and foremost as a school on an academic-year schedule, so we do not typically have children entering mid-school year. Please see our "Application and Tuition" page to complete an application for admission or to request tuition information.
Because the ISC gives priority registration to returning students and their siblings, we encourage new families to apply as early as possible. The ISC is committed to low student-teacher ratios, and our programs tend to fill up quickly once we begin offering available spaces to new families in February. If your preferred program is not available, we try to offer an alternative class when possible and we keep waiting lists for each program and option.
Once you have received a formal offer of enrollment, the signed enrollment contract and tuition deposit hold your child's place in the class. Space is not guaranteed in any program without the signed contract and deposit. In late June, families receive information including back-to-school information, important dates, and several forms required for school entry.
For additional information or specific questions about our enrollment process and timeline, please contact us by phone, or email.