Preschool “Visa” Program Full-immersion classrooms taught in French or Spanish, for students who are between 3 and 4 years-old at the start of school.
Our preschool program is the first "full immersion" experience for children at the ISC. Instruction occurs primarily in the target language, with a focus on building vocabulary, fostering healthy social development, and instilling confidence and eagerness for early learners. Teachers work with the children as a group, but also on an individual level to develop early pre-academic skills in math, science, and literacy. Our experienced teachers serve as "living dictionaries" for the children, and a preschooler's brain is wired to absorb and comprehend the target language quickly and naturally.
Teachers introduce concepts and vocabulary through fun, interesting themes, and plan around the interests of the children, since a main goal for Preschool Visa Program at the ISC is to foster excitement about school and an early love of learning. Past themes have ranged from the study of individual countries (Australia, Mexico, etc.), Geology, Dinosaurs, Pets/Animals, and the Farm. Crafts, books, activities, and even field trips reflect the changing themes.
The children experience a variety of special activities including field trips, music & movement classes, and guest teachers. Depending on a child's age and readiness, he or she may spend one or two years in our Preschool Visa program before moving on to Pre-Kindergarten.
All Preschool Visa Program students attend from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Families may select to add the Daydreamers option, which extends the school day to 3 pm, and/or the Afternoon Adventurers option, from which parents may pick up their young adventurers any time between 3:00 and 5:15 pm. In addition, the Early Birds Morning Care program provides early morning care from 8 am – 9 am. Five-day, three-day (Mon-Wed-Fri), and two-day (Tues-Thurs) schedules are available with any of these time selections.